Rev Sr. M. Cecilia Ojetunde O.S.F


Our hearts rejoice in Him, for we trust in His holy name. O Lord, let your love rest upon us, even as our hope rests on you.’ Psalm 32(33): 21-22

God is good to us.  In spite of the covid-19 ravages, political instability, insecurities and economic problem all faced in this country and globally, we remain active, strong and alive.  We are victorious through the blood of Christ. Our lives are in God’s hands, no evil shall befall anyone of us in Jesus name.

I sincerely welcome our wonderful Angels, parents, and Staff to 2024/2025 academic session. Our new pupils and parents, welcome to the Franciscan family where the best is our only choice. May God continue to provide for all your needs, make you joyful and fulfilled. Amen.

This academic year, we promise to continue to give the best as a school to the pupils and parents. I hereby task you, our parents, to monitor the progress of your children carefully.  Do not wait till third term before intimating the office on any decline or lapse noticed academically, morally and physically.  ‘A stitch in time saves nine’. Let us cooperate to give the best to the lovely angels the Lord has gifted us with.  May our labours of love yield bumper harvest in future and eternity. Amen.

My dear foot-soldier and amiable Staff, your efforts to raise this school standard can never be quantified.  Work has begun again although you barely had a week holiday.  May God grant you abundant joy and fulfillment.Thank you for your zeal, selflessness, diligence and determination to give the best always. You will surely enjoy the favour, goodness and blessings of God.

Children, do not forget to map out your goals for this academic year.  Please break it into achievable deliverables per week, months and term.  Make it all encompassing- academically, morally, spiritually and do not forget to focus on skills acquisition.  I believe so much in you and I know you will achieve what you set out to. Remember, you are the best of all the creatures God has ever made. Be proud to be the best.  Learn to draw closer to God daily. Speak to Him as your very intimate friend and grow in His ways.

The up-coming ones- Do not be afraid, do not lose hope. Do not give up on yourself. The journey to success is sure and steady, just be focused and determined. Work harder, aim higher like the wise ones. The best is yet to come and God will crown your efforts with success.

Children; do not forget your resolution:


  • I strive for excellence - academically, spiritually and morally.
  • I am setting a higher goal for myself
  • I promise to be more focused; to develop interest in the subjects that posed a challenge to me in the past; I promise to conquer my fear and inadequacies.
    • I promise to be more organized, more attentive in class, neat, less playful, and stop being noisy or nosy.
    • I will not pass a litter by and I will not litter the compound.
    • I will leave the assembly ground in an organized manner.
    • I will be very courteous.  I will respect elders especially my teachers and parents.
    • I believe in my ability; I believe in myself.
    • Yes, I can be the best because I am the best.
    • I am intelligent and smart.
    • I am well disciplined, diligent, Godly and hardworking.
    • I am talented, gifted, innovative and devoted.
    • I am happy, selfless, lively, honest and brilliant.
    • I am a higher achiever.
    • I am a prayerful and morally upright pupil.
    • I am a good pupil.
    • I am a beloved child of God.

    But fear not, my servant Jacob; be not dismayed, o Israel.  I will deliver you from a distant land, your descendants from their land of exile. Jacob will again find rest and security...’ Jer. 46: 27

    I sincerely welcome all of you (Staff, Parents, and Pupils of this noble institution of learning- ‘from little comes great’) to the 2024/2025 academic year. You are all beautiful, intelligent, smart, disciplined, neat, articulate, diligent, Godly, morally sound, hardworking, focused, higher achievers, talented, gifted, innovative, happy, selfless, lively, honest, devoted and good people.  The list is endless.

    Parents; you  have paid so much to give your children the best, we thank you for choosing Franciscan N/Pry school and we assure you, you will never be disappointed. May God continue to bless and provide for you. You will reap the fruits of your labour and sacrifice. Amen.


Rev Sr. M. Cecilia Ojetunde O.S.F
Head Teacher

EaseUS Partition Master
Mrs. Adedayo
H. O. D. Primary 1-3

Mr. Akinola O. S.
I. C. T. Manager

Mrs Ajewole B. M.

Mrs. Fatunwase A. A
H. O. D. Nursery